Judge Rules In Favor Of T-Mobile Takeover Of Sprint
The proposed merger "is not reasonably likely to substantially lessen competition" in the mobile wireless market, the judge said. The deal would unite the nation's third- and fourth-largest carriers....
View ArticleIn Colombia, Ex-FARC Rebels And War Victims Work Together At New Radio Stations
The public radio stations "can be fundamental in constructing peace," says Juan Pablo Madrid, an analyst at Bogotá's Foundation for Press Freedom. But some employees are facing threats from gangs....
View ArticleLawmakers, Advocates Worry Bureau Won't Fill Half Million 2020 Census Jobs
The bureau says it needs around a half-million temporary workers by this spring to carry out the national head count. Some census advocates are worried the agency isn't moving fast enough on hiring....
View ArticleJournalist Details 'Brazen Ways' Trump Will Use His Power To Get Reelected
"What you have is a presidential campaign that is pushing lies and distortions and conspiracy theories into the bloodstream at an unprecedented rate," says Atlantic writer McKay Coppins.
View ArticleCoronavirus Casts A Pall Over Cruise Industry At Height Of Booking Season
Tales of life on a ship quarantined in Japan amid a coronavirus outbreak are hurting bookings for the growing cruise line industry. But the industry has shaken off worse crises, an analyst says....
View ArticleThe Hope And Hype Of Diabetic Alert Dogs
Companies that sell dogs trained to sniff out life-threatening changes in blood sugar for people with diabetes have faced lawsuits or complaints from some of their customers. (Image credit: Mike...
View ArticleTrump Praises Attorney General Barr For 'Taking Charge' Of Roger Stone Case
The president's tweet came a day after the Justice Department took the unusual step of seeking a shorter sentence for the president's ally. Four prosecutors in the case withdrew following that move....
View ArticlePope Francis Won't Allow Married Men As Priests, Women As Deacons
Bishops from the Amazon region had sought the changes to address a shortage of clergy. But some Roman Catholic conservatives warned that enacting them would lead to the end of clerical celibacy rules....
View ArticleTimetable For A Vaccine Against The New Coronavirus? Maybe This Fall
Recent advances in biotech make scientists optimistic that they might have a vaccine that has passed basic tests of human safety and efficacy ready to go to clinics as soon as this fall. (Image...
View ArticleAfter Iowa Debacle, Tech Experts Who Aid Progressives Call For A Strategic...
The failure of this year's Iowa caucuses was years in the making, some technology specialists argue, in part because of the haphazard way political users buy software. (Image credit: Daniel...
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